Effective ways for job search | Top 10 tips for job search

Effective ways for job search as a fresher

Job search is probably the hardest task for a fresher when he/she completes his/her studies. Most companies always hire the person who are having experience. But one thing is always common in every employer as well as employee that he/she was a fresher once too. I don’t know why most of the recruiters forget about this.

Another thing which a fresher chooses to do after his first recruitment is that the he/she always try to give the recruiter his/her best as well as achieve the goal with much energy as they can in order to let the recruiter know about their value. Still all recruiters stay away from hiring fresher, even if the candidate is having all the required qualifications but there are effective ways which can help a fresher to land with their dream job.

Effective ways for job search

Top 10 tips for job search

  • First one is about your resume
  • Second one is about your contact details.
  • Third way is going through reference.
  • Fourth way is going through Job Portals.
  • Fifth one is creating a profile on LinkedIn.
  • Sixth one is going through Career Consultancy and Job Placement Agencies.
  • Seventh one is going to career counsellor.
  • Eighth way is going through the career page of the companies you like most.
  • Ninth way is to gain more and more knowledge of the field you like.
  • Tenth way Take some time to brush up on your virtual interviewing skills.

The job which a fresher does in the starting of his/her industrial life is searching for job. The job only works as a job for the candidate when it is as per his/her expectations. There are a few effective ways which can always help a freshers from any background for effective job search.

First one is about your resume

  • Your resume is the thing which reaches the recruiter first. You meet the recruiter after he/she goes through your resume and understands that you may be right fit. If your resume isn’t attractive or professional as per the job profile you applied it will be rejected as soon as the recruiter goes through it.
  • The resume has to be attractive and professional as well all the mention qualifications in the resume are true in order to getting noticed by the recruiters. For just a single opportunity recruiters receive thousand of applications. In order to handle all those applications, the resume of all the candidates go through an AI process.

  • After screening through the AI Process, hundreds of applications are rejected without going to the real recruiter. So it is necessary mention all the details carefully required for the job profile. If you are applying for multiple jobs in multiple fields, it is advised to create different resumes with key details to share with respective job opportunities, will the one of the most effective ways for job search.
  • best online resume builders in 2022:
  1. Zety.
  2. LiveCareer.
  3. Resume Genius.
  4. MyPerfectResume.
  5. ResumeLab.
  6. ResumeNow.
  7. EnhanCV.
  8. ResumeHelp.

Second one is about your contact details

  • Sometime many candidates do the mistake to provide their personal contact details in their resume, I meant to say in order to getting recruited without any issue is to get another mail or contact number. Because there are few moments the candidate ignores the recruiters mail or call, because he/she is scrolling through his personal mails or calls.
  • Another contact number will be a bit costly for a fresher, but the service of email is totally free. It is advisable to get an alternate mail id only for all professional mail, and mention that in the resume, in return you will regularly checking that mail to see whether you have received response or not and also you will not ignore that mail because of your personal one. Updated details can be a boon in effective job search.

Third way is going through reference

  • Many large and small cap companies prefers reference from their current employees to recruit new candidates. Because they know that if an employee is suggesting someone of his/her knowledge to get hired for the company will be good as the employee already know what company needs and the candidate definitely has this that’s why their employee is recommending him/her. In other words, contacts from industry would act as one of effective ways to land for a dream job.

Fourth way is going through Job Portals

  • There are many job portals operating in the market free of cost for the purpose of hiring best talents across the world. On these platforms companies from all over the world posts about the opportunities for which they are looking to recruit best talent across the world. Platforms like naukri.com, hirect, shine, timesjob, indeed, monster.com are working for the same cause.
  • A lot of job opportunities are posted daily on these platforms. You just have to create a profile on these and will have to state the areas of interest, after that you will be shown multiple opportunities and you can apply for as many as you want. So going through Job Portals is one of the most effective ways for job search for getting recruited.
  • Best job portals in India.

Fifth one is creating a profile on LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn is the world’s most popular platform for getting recruited. It works just like Job Portals but it is a bit different. On job portals one can only update their skills through profile and only apply but on LinkedIn one can post their skills and achievements in the same way as social media platforms.
  • In other words LinkedIn is a social media platform for candidates looking for job opportunities. LinkedIn has verified companies from all over the world, companies create a profile on LinkedIn and update about the positions they are looking to hire exceptional talent.
  • In short going through LinkedIn is definitely the best and most effective way to get recruited. Few points to be noted while applying for job on LinkedIn and other job portals is that genuine recruiters never asks for money and referrals to hire.

Sixth one is going through Career Consultancy and Job Placement Agencies

  • Today in market many consultancies and job placement agencies are working for many large and small cap companies to recruit fresh talents. The companies hand over the recruitment process to these consultancies because may be they do not have time to look for the recruitment process.
  • Sometimes many companies give these consultancies a huge contract to hire a number of candidates. In those conditions these consultancies organized job fairs in many cities and inform about the same through their social media platforms and by sending mails to the candidates who contacted them earlier for getting placed. This method can be a boon for job search as well an effective way.

Seventh one is going to career counsellor

  • A lot of times many candidates gets confused to join which sector. That’s the biggest confusion a fresher has when he completes his studies. This condition is similar to the student who can't decide in which field to go after senior secondary. In these if conditions career counsellor works.
  • Career counsellor takes various measure to determine which field the candidate like the most. These days the companies are just looking for their profit, instead of providing better package to the candidate. So it will be best to decide first in which the you would like to move forward. So career counselling becomes an effective way for job search.

Eighth way is going through the career page of the companies you like most

  • Sometimes companies do not post job opportunities in social platforms, job portals etc. or provide contract to consultancies to hire candidates. Instead they prefer to post job opportunities on the company’s career page.
  • Though a very few people know about the same. You have to type on any browser’s search bar career(dot)companyname and that’s it. The companies official career page will come and then you can go through the job opportunities open in the company and can apply as per your needs. Going through the companies career page is the best and genuine as well as effective way to look to job search.

Ninth way is to gain more and more knowledge of the field you like

  • This will lead you to an effective way to handle all the questions asked by the recruiter and in return a better confidence as well as interaction with the recruiter. The more you chat with confidence, as well as the interaction is best the recruiter will be interested in you to know more about you.
  • After all the chat and screening process this will also help you in getting a better package in than you would have been offered if interaction and confidence was not that much good. So, skills, condition and being interactive is the key  get a dream job.

    Take some time to brush up on your virtual interviewing skills.

    • If the recruiter is interviewing you that means your resume has passed the AI screening test and after that the recruiter has also viewed your resume and know all what you have mentioned in the resume. The recruiter is screening you to know about other thing about you apart from those which you mentioned in the resume.
    • Always try to be Frank but maintain the dignity as the recruiter is a teacher to you who is interviewing you to provide you a better future. Don’t try to ever over smart the recruiter as in past he/she has already screened many candidates before screening you and he/she known about the everything of industry better then you. Do not hesitate to ask, the recruiter likes the candidates most who have the ability to talk, who don’t hesitate.

    These are the top 10 tips or ways which acts as the most effective ways for job search as a fresher in his/her way to job search in his/her desires sector.

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